Run Beer Geek Run

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Saturday, 17 September 2016

Run Beer Geek Run

It's been quite a while since I last wrote anything here, 2 years, 8 months and 10 days to be precise.  In that time many things have changed, I've got divorced, moved half way across the country, changed jobs (twice) and have discovered that life isn't quite as easy as advertised.  Much of the last few years has been hard.  Some of it has seemed intolerable.  However despite the tough moments I now feel (if you ignore some momentary wobbles) more myself than I have ever been before.  I have learnt the power of friendship and feel so grateful to have such amazing and supportive friends and family, people who know my faults and short comings and love me all the same.  I have had adventures, and learnt how to build a life, a small one for now but all mine; and I have people in my life now that I never want to dream of being without.  I have also discovered that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

And so, in this, my year of being 30 I decided to start saying yes to things, to do things that I never thought I would or could, and that, it seems, includes running.  Running 10k.   In November.

Now I'm aware that for many people running is quite a normal thing, some people even seem to enjoy it.  Weirdos.  I'm also aware that for other people 10k really isn't that far - my amazing friend Belinda once turned up to watch the Adnams 10k (the race I'm entering) in jeans and accompanied by a rather hairy golden retriever.  They (both her and the dog) proceeded to get round for "fun" in a great time, seemingly without either of them breaking a sweat.

I however am definitely not built for running.  It makes me jiggle in all the right places plus many of the wrong ones.  It makes me sound like a steam train after minutes and is generally one of the least pleasant ways to spend time I have ever some across.   I like sofas and pubs, beer and pizza, not lycra and early mornings, stretches and sprints.  The idea of running 10k actually makes me feel a little bit sick and this will certainly be the biggest physical challenge I have ever set myself.  However for the past seven years I have been standing on the sidelines cheering people on, handing out water (and beer), getting obsessive over timing sheets and looking awful in high-vis thinking "that looks fun"; "it can't be that hard" and "I'll definitely run it next year."  And so, in this my year of saying yes, finally I have signed up, am hitting the pavements and will be sweating my way around the course in what I would imagine will be a highly unattractive manner.  I'm planning to blog my training progress, mainly so that I have a reason not to give up!

I will be running in memory of my friend Graham (more on that to come) and in aid of the MS Society.  You can sponsor me or donate in exchange for the comedy value of me running here , and make sure that I'm getting out of bed to train on this blog or on Twitter at @BeerFaerie #RunBeerGeekRun.  If you want to get involved Adnams is always looking for volunteers, you can find out more here and if you sign up you'll get the pleasure of seeing me crawling to the bar afterwards for yourself.  There's also some very decent beery goody bag action.

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